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Meet The Professors: Myelodysplastic Syndromes Edition, 2016
CME test
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Select publications
PowerPoint slides
Individual audio segments:
Key clinical issues in MDS management
Track 1:
Prognostic scoring systems in MDS
Track 2:
Use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents and G-CSF in MD
Track 3:
Iron chelation therapy in MDS managemen
Track 4:
Choice of hypomethylating agent in MDS
Track 5:
Five- versus 7-day therapy with azacitidine
Track 6:
Selection of patients who will benefit from lenalidomide
Track 7:
Clinical trials of checkpoint inhibitors in MDS
Case discussions
Track 8:
Case discussion: An 88-year-old man with high-risk MDS (Dr Brenner)
Track 9:
Case discussion: A 58-year-old woman who is a Jehovah's Witness with a hemoglobin of 4.1 and a bone marrow biopsy consistent with MDS (Dr Rupard)
Track 10:
Case discussion: A 78-year-old man with a hemoglobin of 4 and a bone marrow biopsy compatible with MDS (Dr Morganstein)
Track 11:
Case discussion: A 31-year-old woman with MDS in her first trimester of pregnancy (Dr Rupard)
Track 12:
Case discussion: A 62-year-old man with 20q minus MDS (Dr Brenner)
Track 13:
Case discussion: An 80-year-old woman with MDS and a history of rheumatoid arthritis (Dr Morganstein)
Important clinical issues in the management of MDS
Prognostic scoring systems in MDS
Use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents and G-CSF in MDS
Iron chelation therapy in MDS management
Choice of hypomethylating agent in MDS
Five- versus 7-day therapy with azacitidine
Selection of patients who will benefit from lenalidomide
Clinical trials of checkpoint inhibitors in MDS
Case discussions
Case discussion: An 88-year-old man with high-risk MDS (Dr Brenner)
Case discussion: A 58-year-old woman who is a Jehovah's Witness with a hemoglobin of 4.1 and a bone marrow biopsy consistent with MDS (Dr Rupard)
Case discussion: A 78-year-old man with a hemoglobin of 4 and a bone marrow biopsy compatible with MDS (Dr Morganstein)
Case discussion: A 31-year-old woman with MDS in her first trimester of pregnancy (Dr Rupard)
Case discussion: A 62-year-old man with 20q minus MDS (Dr Brenner)
Case discussion: An 80-year-old woman with MDS and a history of rheumatoid arthritis (Dr Morganstein)
Audio version
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